Mary Ruden has compiled a wonderful little book about Tennessee women who changed history. From suffragists, to a preservationist, a granny woman, and a Revolutionary War heroine, Ruden has depicted each life in a thoughtful, artful, creative way. Most all of these historical heroines have two pages devoted to themContinue Reading

One rarely comes across an artist whose remarkable talents flow across a wide swath of multiple medias. Such is true of Mary Ruden – painter, sculptor, textile artist, illustrator, renovator, etc. She is a tireless champion of history and uses her artistic talents to promote and preserve antiquity. She masterfullyContinue Reading

The Suffrage Coalition of Knoxville, Tennessee, has organized several parades to honor the history of women’s right to vote. The organization is headed by Wanda Sobieski, and is keeping that history alive. The parades are mainly held in downtown Knoxville. Women in white dresses with sashes wear hats and holdContinue Reading