The following poem from Anna Laura Reeve’s debut book of poetry, Reaching the Shore of the Sea of Fertility (Belle Point Press), was a finalist for the Ron Rash Award and was first published in Broad River Review.   Flower Moon One way to light myself after darkness is toContinue Reading

Danita Dodson’s new book of poetry is called The Medicine Woods. If you recall, our Associate Editor, Edward Francisco reviewed her last book, Trailing the Azimuth. Her poems speak so easily to my heart, so I wanted to write the review for her new collection. In The Medicine Woods, herContinue Reading

  The air is cool as dark, billowy clouds let loose a light mist, and a gentle breeze rustles the brightly colored limbs of deciduous trees. Leaves, in all their late October glory, with their deep reds, dark purples, bright golds, and fiery oranges, appear to dance in the air.Continue Reading

He presses down the pedal as he hastens through the holler, screeching around swerving curves before They take the Valiant like they took the old Fury and the houses on Job Street, on Love Street, and Food Street. Daddy yaks Valiant and Vietnam. Mama answers so and so. Little BrotherContinue Reading