The poetic form haiku originated in China as hokku before gaining ascendency in the 17th century as Japan’s chief literary form. Traditionally, the haiku was a succinct poem of three lines, the first line containing five syllables, the second seven syllables, and the third five syllables, for a total ofContinue Reading

  spring sun on red clay the team plows winter’s cold ground a hiss in the barn blackbird on the fence dirty boots sit by the door canned beans and warm bread still days grow longer in a flash of innocence nineteen eighty-one   Brandon Michael Ward is a writer,Continue Reading

The Appalachian wilds offer outdoor enthusiasts a wide variety of adventures, from leisurely hikes to hair-raising white-water kayaking. When the stakes go up, the costs of making a mistake rise too, as many less skillful partakers know well. I have on multiple outings literally “put some skin into the game.” Continue Reading