“There’s been another school shooting,” announced Mrs. Anderson. She was sipping coffee from a chipped mug and reading the news on her phone. “It happened at Goode High just yesterday.” She looked expectantly at Tom, waiting for him to react to what she just said. Tom was Mrs. Anderson’s son,Continue Reading

Trigger Warning: The following article contains details about murder and gun violence. We’re there once again, on that early afternoon on April 9, 1922, watching from behind wide, untouched trees, sitting among wildflowers, wild life, and wild ginger. Deputy Sheriff Byrd Daugherty’s side came upon Daniel Britton Daugherty’s side onContinue Reading

**With Correction – Thank you, reader Linda, for helping to keep our Appalachian stories accurate! I came upon “Aunt Jenny” by doing a little research about paranormal events in Appalachian states. I was quite flabbergasted after reading her story. On one hand, she was a venomous and unforgiving woman (understandablyContinue Reading