Writing about fifteen years of practicing Universal Sufism gives me pause. For one, keeping personal matters personal–a tacit cultural feature of this region–seems polite and practical. Especially with spiritual matters, staying mum averts misunderstandings. Another reason I hesitate is that the essence of Sufism, an ancient form of mysticism, isContinue Reading

I have been out of the broom closet for a while now, as it were. Once in a while friends will reach out and enquire about my Pagan ways and practices. Yesterday I received a Facebook message from a good friend. She had read a news report about a womanContinue Reading

  My father passed away from cancer July 19, 2014. When he was almost completely bedridden, he and I listened to an audio interview of an old family friend. My father broke down and said, “Just think of all the stories I could tell but never will.” I vowed rightContinue Reading