Enjoy some of our favorite submitted images from Trent Eades, Jim Clark, John Allyn Miller, and Erik Bathe. Click on the gallery names for more stunning photographs from these talented photographers.   Trent Eades Trent Eades Gallery   Mardi Growl   Going Medieval in Appalachia   Jim Clark After theContinue Reading

In the year 2000, my sons Erik and Gabriel and I set out to create a video documentary of the people living in Free Hills, one of America’s last remaining Black settlements established before the Civil War. Located in hardscrabble Clay County, Tennessee, near the community of Celina, the FreeContinue Reading

Appalachia Bare would like to take this opportunity to thank our readers, subscribers, and followers. We’re so grateful for your interest and support. We strive to offer you the best content unique to and from Appalachia. We have exciting plans for future Appalachian topics and more submissions to come fromContinue Reading