From time to time, Appalachia Bare likes to spotlight some of our best submissions. “Louis” was written by talented storyteller, Kipper Evans, and was the Second Prize winner of Appalachia Bare‘s 2020 George Washington Harris Short Story Contest. We are proud to present this story for your enjoyment.   KipperContinue Reading

The Dancing Fiddle was going to close down. It had stood at the corner of the main street since most anyone could remember. Bill bought it off the old man who had it before him, and now, as he was old in turn, he had no one to leave itContinue Reading

**Warning:  Graphic Depictions of Violence in this post Have you ever met the devil in Appalachia? Alone in unnerving wooded areas day or night? The devil wears different disguises. For some, he is a brawny satyr with goat legs, bovine horns, and an arrowed pin tail. For others, the devilContinue Reading