Trigger Warning: The following article contains details about murder and gun violence. We’re there once again, on that early afternoon on April 9, 1922, watching from behind wide, untouched trees, sitting among wildflowers, wild life, and wild ginger. Deputy Sheriff Byrd Daugherty’s side came upon Daniel Britton Daugherty’s side onContinue Reading

. . . [and they] arose against me; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. Psalm 35:11-12 Written (in part) on the back of Daniel Britton Daugherty’s tombstone   Thank you to Zach Foster andContinue Reading

In my last post of the Daugherty series, we left Byrd, his two sons, and Pryor Bunch rooted to the spot across from Daniel Britton Daugherty, Robert Lowe, and possibly a few others. If you recall, Robert Lowe reached into his jacket pocket, and I imagine that gesture put theContinue Reading

Deputy Byrd Daugherty1)In various places and sources, Byrd’s name is often spelled “Bird.” The way I was told, the correct spelling is Byrd. Another point: The last name, Daugherty, has also been spelled Dougherty. never reckoned that a bloodbath was coming when he stepped off the train from the HarrimanContinue Reading

One fine autumn day, a few months after my father passed away, my mother and I sat at the old cherrywood dining table and waxed nostalgic over old photographs. Like always, I soaked up every word and story, relishing even the stories I’ve heard over and over – about soContinue Reading