This layered life is a concoction of things sweet and fiery. Fables and folklore drive this land and the people of it, up the holler and into the hills, away (in)voluntary isolation. Honeycomb, oil lamps, and good heads on our shoulders— a community of individualists each with hidden talent. RevealContinue Reading

We’re coming upon a holiday where we as a people gather together and reflect on gratitude. We may contemplate the hundreds of Thanksgivings our people had before us. Or, perhaps, we ruminate over the gatherings in the most recent decade. A particular dish. A special person. A family tradition. WeContinue Reading

“Really Loud and Partially Deaf” dedicated to my Husband, Army Veteran Mark Batton My wife brings up   a basket of laundry.   She doesn’t say anything.   She doesn’t need to. I know she despises folding laundry.   It’s a load of towels.   I grab one.   Warm and fresh-smelling. I fold it inContinue Reading

I spy my love   along the ridge,   a silhouette   in shadows of black. I stand with my heart   a breakin’   ‘fore I fear   he’s not coming back. We were to be married   this autumn   but the war broke out   in June. With brothers at odds   in the fighting,   I fearContinue Reading