The following beautifully written article by Adam Miller first appeared on the site Waking Up in Boone.   It was foggy almost that whole Saturday. I left the mountain in the morning driving with flashers and lights at a creeping pace on my way to Hickory. On the way homeContinue Reading

I wasn’t totally sold on getting a puppy for several reasons – chief among them is that puppies are a lot of work. I’ll admit, though, my wife made a good choice for the family. Coors plays well with Sierra, he’s been a good comfort to my wife, and he’sContinue Reading

Nestled south of Asheville, next to the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Bent Creek Experimental Forest, The North Carolina Arboretum’s gardens and wooded trails are one of my favorite photo hunting grounds.  Each visit reveals new subjects and new perspectives.  During the winter holiday season, the gardens are bedecked inContinue Reading