While my husband and I have been social distancing and staying home, we’ve completed projects we intended to do, but we either had no time or were too exhausted to do them. I imagine many others are doing the same as we are. I’m sharing our projects with you. HowContinue Reading

For the past dozen years, the Young-Williams Animal Center has sponsored a Mardi Growl Parade and Festival in downtown Knoxville. Hundreds of dogs in costume are paraded by their owners to raise funds to support the efforts of the Young-Williams Animal Center, which seeks to find a home for every unwantedContinue Reading

This short poem was written some years ago when my daughter first started riding the bus to school. Nowadays, she is definitely unmoored from my hand but hasn’t washed out to sea (yet). The neighbor’s chairs (see photo) were cast off to parts unknown. Two Chairs Fading Each day onContinue Reading

My December 2019 side trip off Highway 68 to Ducktown was inspired by Edward Francisco’s “Copper Hill – A Legacy,” posted in September. I also had seen the “moonscape” as a child and swam in the sulfur-scented, olive-tinted water downstream. The mines and processing plants are closed; yet, their legacyContinue Reading

Nestled south of Asheville, next to the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Bent Creek Experimental Forest, The North Carolina Arboretum’s gardens and wooded trails are one of my favorite photo hunting grounds.  Each visit reveals new subjects and new perspectives.  During the winter holiday season, the gardens are bedecked inContinue Reading

    John Allyn Miller (1947 – 2007) lived in the Asheville area from the 1970s until 2002. He was an outdoorsman who loved being in nature, wandering backroads, trails, and streams in hopes of capturing the iconic beauty and images of Appalachia.   John taught photography at Asheville-Biltmore TechnicalContinue Reading

October is peak leaf season in Asheville and the burst of colors brings a flood of tourists to the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Long after the trees are denuded and the tourists have ebbed, beautiful leaves are still here.  Many are scattered in forest nooks and crannies, like fallen soldiers after a battle. Continue Reading

According to the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), Appalachia “is a 205,000-square-mile region that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from southern New York to northern Mississippi. It includes all of West Virginia and parts of twelve other states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania,Continue Reading