Detective Gowan stood across from me and fiddled with some recorder. He perked up when another detective entered the room. “Name’s Bob,” he said. “Bob Kroy.” He slid a paper in front of me. “Sign this before you make your statement. Says you’re tellin’ the truth – to the bestContinue Reading

          He had idiot written all over his face. He smelled bad too, like he’d been swimming with crawdads in a sewer. Mama made me promise not to make fun of his poorly brushed teeth or the way he came to school sprouting hair in all directions. But Mama never hadContinue Reading

With a routine smile, the waitress brought sharp, black coffee to the old couple at the diner booth. It was a gesture offered to all patrons. She placed the cups on the red checkered tablecloth. The poised, elderly lady sat elegant, gracious, and mute in her lace-ruffled blouse, and gazedContinue Reading

I went to my mother’s grave last night, which was fitting, seeing as it was Mother’s Day, but that’s not why I went. I went because she was to be dug up in the morning. All of the graves at the Waldrop Memorial Cemetery, the ones not claimed and reburiedContinue Reading

Palatino kept her trail right along with me. She’s a good hound when she wants to be. At least to me not Brother. Brother says its cause we’re both girls. Says we both smell so good for good reason. I don’t pay him no mind, even though he’s telling theContinue Reading

Grace put the top down on the old Miata and we burned the open road, our hair spinning wild as Medusa in the crisp late spring. We should travel to Monrovia, California to see Upton Sinclair’s house, she had said, and take one of those cross-country road trips on ourContinue Reading

  The air is cool as dark, billowy clouds let loose a light mist, and a gentle breeze rustles the brightly colored limbs of deciduous trees. Leaves, in all their late October glory, with their deep reds, dark purples, bright golds, and fiery oranges, appear to dance in the air.Continue Reading